Elderly woman tending to her garden

Gardening is usually therapeutic, but certain medical conditions and physical disabilities can make it challenging for aging people. The good news is they can have a safe, accessible, and pleasant space; all they need is a little planning and a few modifications here and there to enjoy it and be productive. For one, their tools

handicapped bathroom with shower chair next to tub

Let’s say you or a loved one is having trouble with balance or mobility, especially after the covid situation. In that situation, bath safety items may be an excellent investment to help prevent falls and other injuries in the bathroom. Unfortunately, bathtub falls are widespread and often result in many annual emergency room visits. Searching

Close up shot of a young nurse helping disabled senior man with standing using walker

The capacity to stand from a chair without assistance is a crucial aspect of determining freedom for the elderly and people with physical impairments. Pain, limited joint mobility, stiffness, and muscle weakness are all common factors that impair one’s strength to stand. Sit-to-stand posture is even decreased in people with rheumatoid arthritis of the hands

senior couple strolling outside with mobility walkers

Walkers can be very beneficial to people so they can reduce the risk of injury and maintain the lifestyle they prefer. However, there’s one major problem. How do you know which walker to choose? There are many different types of walkers, functions built into walkers, price ranges, and other considerations. This guide will help you