Closeup of a package delivery man ringing a video doorbell

Video doorbells have become increasingly popular over the course of years. They play a significant role in enhancing home security, and also make it easier and more efficient to receive packages. But which doorbell to opt for?  The Arlo doorbell is an ideal choice for someone looking for a smart doorbell for their home. It

Elderly woman tending to her garden

Gardening is usually therapeutic, but certain medical conditions and physical disabilities can make it challenging for aging people. The good news is they can have a safe, accessible, and pleasant space; all they need is a little planning and a few modifications here and there to enjoy it and be productive. For one, their tools

person pressing numbers on a mounted door alarm

Entrances and exit points are the weakest locations in a property for burglars to barge in. To an intruder, an unlocked door is a large welcoming sign. As a result, door sensors are essential for home security. Other names for these sensors are window, entry, and touch sensors. Most home security systems are now equipped

Hero pill dispenser on kitchen counter

With the advancement of modern technology, discoveries in medical science have led to incredible advances that have helped people with medical conditions enjoy an improved quality of life. However, the truth is that more than half of Americans don’t take their medications exactly as prescribed, and 10% of hospitalizations for seniors are due to medication

Elderly mnan holding a flip phone

It’s easy to get lost in the specifics when comparing mobile phones for seniors. The decision will be based on their needs: would they want a more complicated smartphone, a simple flip phone, or a phone with standard technology in the middle? Basic flip phones are the most user-friendly mobile phones for the elderly. Large

Recliner chair in a room

The American living room wouldn’t seem right without one of those fancy electric recliner chairs in the corner. You probably have loving memories of your dad or grandpa sitting on this bulky eyesore. However, you must admit, it was the most comfortable place to be. You could have them straight up, or push them back and

family room with a blue couch and loveseat, white area rug

Comfort and aesthetic appeal aren’t the only benefits of rugs. Many people prefer to decorate their home with rugs and use them to create a separation between spaces. For example, one or more of these rugs can separate a living area from a dining area. By using mats to visually separate a study area in